Christ’s love frees the heart even of murder.
I just received this story from Myanmar. It is from one of our first disciples and his name is Aung Aung.
From Aung Aung:
Thank you for this opportunity to share about my testimony. Recently, because of the military coup here in Myanmar, there were many times I ran away from God's heart and will. In the past, when I was living at home, there were many times I made bad decisions for myself. In my normal everyday life, my own family could not stay together due to poor conditions! For that reason my parents did not stay together. They lived in different places from one another and even my sibling did too! We did not really live together as a family because of poverty and hardship. Whenever i think on this, I would try to find a way that can solve the problem, but I always failed! My life problems were very painful and I started to use drugs and sex for the purpose of giving me relief or make the problems go away. But it didn’t work and the problems and pain continued!
Shortly, after i heard the message of Loveworks, I attended the Loveworks Discipleship School for three months. During that time, all of my sinful activities, like promiscuity, prostitution, and drug use, were cut off from my life! Their power was broken by receiving the true and genuine love of my Lord Jesus! He is my true Savior! I also became free of the guilt and shame of my crimes living in a gang life. In a gang war I killed another gang member and that became an impossible burden to live with! But Christ’s love set me free from the shackles of shame and an unbearable burden!!
(Here is Aung Aung sharing his testimony of Christ’s healing love!)
After graduating from the Loveworks School, I am living now with my Loveworks family! My future is like a very smooth path because of the love of God and also due to the love I receive from Michael and SuSu, the Loveworks leaders. While at the school I was able to learn sound engineering and the drums! This was always a very big dream for me.
While I was at a sound engineering course, Covid 19 hit Myanmar. So all the systems were shut-down. This was disappointing but at that time my heart could still follow the will of God and His plan! We did not do anything for nearly a year because of Covid-19! We continued to hold onto hope for our future anyway as we loved each other and loved our neighbors in crisis and need. We fed so many people who were having nothing because of the lockdown. It was a great opportunity to show Christ’s love.
But the first week of February 2021, a Military coup occurred in Myanmar. This coup was taking control of the government and arrested many innocent people! This hit us all very hard as a nation! I felt the injustice of it and my mind was out of control with fear!! I started to worry greatly for my future, for my parents, and many other things! I was completely full of sorrow, hate, dissatisfaction, and so on! i could not even think about God's redemption or His love because my heart was full of hatefulness!
One day, I have a problem with Pastor Michael, the leader of the Loveworks School. He warned us not to go outside for any reason because the military was coming to every house to arrest people, sometimes kill people, or force young men into the military.! I really got angry because I felt that we are like prisoners! So, I took my brother (Naw Naw) and we left the school. We went to the forest!
In the forest, God showed me clearly my previous sinful condition and how He saved me and called me out of darkness! The whole night I was struggling with this truth and God’s love!! This struggle made me so tired! I knew that I was totally wrong to disobey Pastor Michael but something pulled me back and caused me not to ask forgiveness or say that I was sorry!
We returned to the school and I was shocked by what Pastor Michael said to me. He said that I am his first fruit or first born of our Loveworks school! I am a precious son to them and always he forgives me! Tears came down from my eyes and my heart broke. I decided that i would never do such a thing again in my whole life! I also asked forgiveness and promised that I would not do it again!
(Aung Aung and Michael in the Loveworks Kitchen)
I was made free from something dark after this moment! I felt that I have inner energy again. There is power inside me! The Lord gave me a soft heart or normal emotions again! After that day, I am able to read my bible as daily routine and fellowship with God more than before!
Today is my 22 th birthday! He is an awesome and wonderful God to me! I give Him glory and praise Him more than any other name! He is worthy of all praise and I will always praise His name! I will chose Him again and again!
Please pray for Aung Aung to continue walking in the freedom and power of Christ’s Love!! He has a powerful story of God’s redeeming love and he is a precious First Fruit through our discipleship school!!
Our school needs prayer and financial support. We have a way to send money to Myanmar and if you would like to partner with us as we make disciples in this war-torn nation, please give here:
We are so very grateful for you!!
Weyman and Sue