You Find What is Good
There is a new gym around the corner from the bible college that we partner with in India. As India grows and modernizes, new businesses and cafes and coffee shops are popping up everywhere. That is such good news for visitors and travelers! I have been enjoying a new coffee shop within walking distance from the college that also serves “Chickfila Wannabe Sandwiches”. Yes, that is actually the name of the sandwich and it is very similar to Chickfila’s - so I went there everyday for lunch and also enjoyed the air-conditioning since it was blazing hot. Sweating never stopped for 10 days except for my moments eating Chickfila.
Back to my first statement - "there is a new gym around the corner from the college”. I went inside to check it out and found it to be fantastic. It was also air-conditioned - another bonus! I asked if I could come as a guest a few times because I was only there for a few days. They agreed and I found it very helpful to exercise also during days of intense ministry.
The second day of working out there was an Indian man training very hard. It inspired me. I love to be inspired because it helps create energy for what I want to do. This was a perfect opportunity to speak BELIEF to this man and give thanks for how he inspired me.
“Hi, my name is Weyman, and I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ for inspiring me to train hard. I see you are pushing yourself and that inspires me to do the same. I always look for inspiration for things that matter to me, it gives me energy to excel. Today, watching you train, gave me inspiration and I just wanted to say ‘thanks’.”
He looked at me and a very broad smile crossed his face. “Wow! That is a really wonderful thing you have just said to me. No one has ever said that to me before. Why would you do that? My name is Ron by the way.”
“I believe the world needs to experience more life and love and less hate. Many people are doing great things and no one tells them. I want to see people doing great things and give thanks to them.”
He replied, “That’s really powerful and its something I also want to do. I was doing that at my work with my co-workers but my boss told me to stop.”
“That’s because he was leading from authority but you were leading from relationship. He was envious of your ability to build relationship with people and accomplish things that he couldn’t. He wanted to shut you down because of his fear of you surpassing him.”
His eyes opened wide and he saw that was true. “I want to encourage you to keep finding what is good in people and speak it over them. This is what builds strong relationships. Your heart sees this. I am so proud of you!”
Ron was so grateful for my encouragement and wanted to know more about this. I felt compelled to tell him a story of how belief empowers people to overcome fear and problems. I shared a story about my belief in my daughter Abby during her days as a ballerina. The story deeply moved him and tears filled his eyes.
“I feel so much emotion hearing this story! Its so powerful! I really want to stay connected to you and learn more. Can I have your email?”
We exchanged emails and Ron wrote immediately about how he was impacted by my words and story. Will you stop and say a prayer for Ron. I will soon begin sharing that the source of the love he sees comes from Jesus. But first I want him to experience the beauty and power of it. I want him to realize that this is what he wants for his own life.