God Allowed a Testing
Biranjoy (pronounced: Beer - an - Joy) is one of our disciples in India. He lives in Imphal. When I met him he was the bellman at the hotel I stayed in. The words of encouragement and identity I spoke over his life deeply impacted him each day as I engaged him daily. The Holy Spirit had me give him money on my last day and this was the exact amount he needed to pay for his daughter to go to the Dr. This act of kindness humbled him greatly and he gave his life fully to Jesus. After this he began to be my disciple. Today he is making many disciples in his area.
This week he wrote to share a painful experience. His friend left town and asked him to take care of his business for a week. He sells chickens for people to eat. Biranjoy agreed and had been doing this for five days. Biranjoy also asked a neighbor to help him, a neighbor who is not known as a “good” man to the village. While Biranjoy was away from the small chicken shop, the neighbor man stole the money that Biranjoy had made over the last five days. No one was in the shop so Biranjoy cannot prove that this man stole it, however, people saw him go in and also leave the shop.
Biranjoy wrote me and felt so much anger and despair. He said, "it seems that many times I work so hard only to have it stolen or lost. My work feels like it is in vain. Today my mother and family could not eat dinner because this has happened.” He said he was so angry and people in the village could see that. I could easily hear his deep frustration. He has many people that depend on him, a dad with dementia, a mom who is invalid, a sister who has mental problems and a brother in law who is disabled from a work injury. His wife left him five years ago and the one joy he has in life, his only son, is now sent away to a boarding school because of the lack of schools in Biranjoy’s area.
Have you ever despaired? Have you ever felt every effort seemed worthless? This was where Biranjoy’s heart had fallen to, this dark pit. My heart wanted to encourage my dear disciple. He could not stay in this pit!! I wrote these words to him:
"My brother, I am truly sad that he stole the money from you. The money you worked hard to earn. I am sorry about that. Yes, that was so terribly wrong and painful for you, however, This is a powerful moment for you!!! Whenever the enemy comes to try and harm us, God‘s love can stand against it and overcome it. The enemy wants you to become angry, bitter, and fearful. But the Holy Spirit wants you to now shine in the power of the Father's love. He wants you to forgive that man. This is a moment that everyone can see the power of Christ at work inside you. All the neighbors know that this man stole from you. Now you can demonstrate to them the power of humility. The power of forgiveness. The power of trusting in God in the midst of adversity. Let them see you are still a man of joy! A man of peace! A man who is not afraid because of your faith in Christ! This can become a great opportunity to draw people to Jesus and show them that the love of Christ sets us free from darkness and its power.”
After those words of encouragement and guidance, we sent him $100 because we deeply care about his daily life and the suffering they experience. He then wrote: “Pastor, you are different than any person I have ever met or know. You are a very great blessing to me, and my family. When I experienced this terrible pain you challenged me to not embrace hate and darkness, you challenged me to forgive him. Then you gave me $100 and my family was shocked! This was more than twice what was stolen from me. I have learned a great lesson from you pastor. This was a place where God allowed a testing and you guided me to be faithful to God. To forgive as He forgave me. Now I know that whatever may befall me I should follow the steps of Christ and I will be blessed. I see how God uses the body to care for one another in hardship. You show me so much love. Indeed I am sorry that I was so overwhelmed by loss that I did not hold to Christ’s love. Thank you pastor for showing me the way, for showing me love.”
What is happening in the “tests” of your life? Do you meet those challenges with anger, fear, worry, control, hate….? If so, then you are failing to abide in Christ in the very moments you need to the most. It is in the midst of our struggles and pain and hardships that Paul declares, “IN ALL THESE THINGS you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you.” The struggle matters. The hardship matters. They are the actual places where you are to press deeper into Christ’s love and again be secure in Him alone. In this moment we then shine the brightness of Christ and become a light in darkness.
Where do you need to shine today? Bring Christ into your pain and hardship. Sit with Him. Be with Him. Receive Love from Christ and become secure in Him alone. Don’t let your struggle lead you - let Christ’s love lead you.
Father, we take time to be with you right now. We confess our need of your love. Secure our hearts in this reality and break the power of anxiety, fear, worry, hate, and many other dark feelings and spirits. Fill our hearts with your love and let it wash out the darkness. We choose love. We are being still to receive so that power to overcome fills us. Give us the wisdom that comes from love so we move forward with Kingdom revelation instead of the wisdom of man that comes from fear or anger. Thank you for being patient with us and leading us gently with your kindness. In Jesus name, amen.
If you prayed this today, please write us and share your story. We would like to stand with you in prayer. Send your story here: connect@lovedefinedministry.org